

What some of the authors, whose books or manuscripts I have reviewed, think of my work...

I was nervous sending Sakshi my book because I knew she would leave no stone unturned, but thankfully her review was positive and one I shall be quoting from years to come.

I have had over fifty print and blog reviews for my second book, Panther, and Sakshi’s is the best I have read. She expertly and seamlessly utilises quotes from the novel to add layers and depth well beyond my expectation.  I would confidently say that in deciding whether to read my book or not, you should look no further than Sakshi’s review. It is an honest appraisal, as well as a taster of what you would be investing your time in. As a writer, I tried to get certain points and themes across and Sakshi picked up on all of them. I do not usually commission reviews for my books, but I felt I had to contact Sakshi when I came across her incredible site. I wanted a one-stop review that I could use to explain my books to other people. She has done it much better than I could have done myself.


Sakshi's review of my book, 'The First Firangis', was deeply satisfying, and not just because she said nice things about it -- which she did -- but more precisely because she did something very few reviewers do: she took the time to worry at its larger stakes.  And by that I mean she succeeded in teasing out its detailed, often allusive web of engagements -- political, cultural, historical -- in a way that went far beyond the more predictable tasks of synopsizing the book's argument and summarizing what she did or didn't like about it.  The review, in other words, felt like that rare thing in the age of status updates, SMSes, and 140-character tweets: an extended exercise in listening closely, carefully, and patiently.


It was a pleasure reading Sakshi's brilliant and insightful critique of my book of short stories - 'A Fistful of Earth and Other Stories'. Not only is it well-written, the critique also places the stories in the right socio-political context, and critically examines the plots, the themes, the characterisation and the narrative style so that the reader gets a good perspective about the book. 

Sakshi's critique dispassionately studies the literary aspects of the stories and interprets them finely using the methods of literary criticism.


Sakshi's review of my book 'Sita's Curse' was intense and a work of deep intellectualism that led me to read it with rapt attention. Reviewers like her are a rare breed - with her attention to detail, fine balance and judgement and not giving out cheap spoilers that ruin the reading experience for the reader. She had a deep understanding of erotica and was committed to the book.


In the age of social networking everybody is a critic. But good, discerning critics who can come up with a lot more that "It sucks" or "It rocks" are much harder to come by. Sakshi Nanda is one of the  good ones. She constructs her critiques lovingly, with knowledge about the writer's craft and respect for this art form. Her discerning pen drips with intelligence, wit and absolutely sparkles with passion. May her love affair with books endure forever! 


Two cheers to Sakshi for not penning a synopsis of my book or leaking out spoilers! That's what I check out anxiously whenever I check any review of my books. Yet she got what I wanted to say in 'Sita's Sister' and she said it succinctly touching plot, narrative, characterisation, grammar - every literary tool a writer wields. And yes, she pointed out my mistakes which I am careful now not to repeat!


While Googling I stumbled upon the review of my book that Sakshi had written. It was a commissioned review of 'Half a Billion Rising' by the publisher (“views are my own” as she discloses) and she had selected my book out of the few she had received. While I liked the review she did of my book (she had nice things to say about it), I liked the painstaking way in which she brought out the different layers in the book and the nuances of the characters featured in the book. I am truly thankful to her for doing it since it brings the book alive. Sakshi’s was an honest commentary on the book and came from her heart. This was for the reader but as an author I would have loved to see some critical feedback on my writing, which was missing, and I would probably have seen it if I had sent her the book for feedback. I have subsequently been reading her blogs and Facebook posts, and love her sense of humour, and know that when authors seek feedback, she is constructive and candid. More power to her pen. 


Sakshi's review of my book "Chakra, Chronicles of the Witch Way" made me see my work with renewed eyes, it made me fall in love with the book once again. Sakshi beta-read my book "Wrong, for the Right Reasons". It helped me every step of the way. Writing is a solitary craft. Often we are so close to the work that we need an unbiased and balanced view of the work. Sakshi has in her the capacity to step away and point out what works and what does not. She does that with tact and gentleness. I value her as a reviewer and a beta reader. 


It's not every reviewer who can make you actually see your own writing in a whole new light. Sakshi's well-written review of 'Sorting Out Sid' stood out for me because of how detailed it was and also because her perspective and analysis of characters and situations in my book went into more depth than I've seen in any other review. She didn't hesitate to point out where she wasn't satisfied with the unravelling of a principal character, which means she speaks her mind and hands out honest reviews. Keep reading, Sakshi - and writing too!'


Sakshi was the first blogger to review my debut novel 'Losing My Religion' and I was so excited to read her review. It was unique, written like a story and I love her style. And she is true to her beliefs and doesn't shy away from giving an unbiased review. So, if you get a thumbs up from Sakshi, you know your book is really good!


Sakshi Nanda's reviews are like your mum's best signature dish - complete, flavour-some, never missing those fine details that are so key to the success of that recipe. She comes across as a driven and intelligent woman who cannot rest till the best is achieved.


I was informed about Sakshi as the go-to person for an unbiased and honest review. It was a collected opinion of different people. 
The way she has written the review for my poetry book is remarkable. I have learnt a lot from the review. She has reviewed it with a magnifying lens noting the metaphors and the layered meaning too. 
                                                                                                                                          - Nivedita N

Just when you are ready to form an opinion, life surprises you by challenging it.  Sakshi was life’s own way of challenging me. Articulate, sharp, precise she excels at the art of comprehension.  Unbiased, she has the ability to get deep into your mind, figuring out the reasons, challenges and the compulsions you faced as a writer. For sure, her hawk like eyes can give many editors a run for their money. One of the best reviewers I have encountered. Now I know where to send my manuscripts for advance reviews. Wish there were more like her.

Sakshi Nanda is an exceptional writer. Bookmark her blog ‘Between Write and Wrong’ if you are fond of honest, balanced, eloquent writing. I felt honoured when she agreed to review my début book of poetry 'Collection of Chaos'. She is a brilliant reviewer and every time I read her post it makes me fall in love with my own book. In fact I read it again to feel what she felt, to see it from her perspective. Each meticulously done critical review is a step in the direction of learning and improvement and if the book is received well it fills you with a tremendous sense of achievement. Thank you Sakshi  for reading, understanding and bringing it out for others to take notice. It is a gift of joy for me! 
- Tikuli

Reading Sakshi's review of 'Baramulla Bomber' was like reading a part of my mind. She caught on a few connections which I did not expect anyone to in the first read. But what stood apart was the way the review was written, in keeping with the character of the thriller she was reviewing. Reading the review felt like Alice falling down the rabbit hole - with no clue about how it will end, but the expectations continuously rising. The development feedback was constructive and well taken, and it will help me learn a lot more. 

After reading a few posts on Sakshi's blog, I was convinced that the quality of her reviews was not just on par with, but better than many professional reviews I’ve seen in the mainstream publications.
Too many reviewers either bend over backwards to make the author happy or get too nasty. Sakshi’s review stands out among the crowd for being professional, mature and balanced. Though it was written with the prospective reader in mind, there were several insights and interpretations that she shared in the review that made me look at my own story from a different perspective. Also, I found the little personal touch that she adds to each book's cover picture creative. Shows how much she loves doing reviews. If you are looking for a thorough, insightful and professional review, I’d highly recommend Sakshi.

When I first read reviews on Sakshi's blog, I was impressed, rather in awe, of the efforts she puts in for her reviews. If I were to describe her reviews, I'd call them fair and balanced. She had pointed out both the pros and cons of the authors' writing. The reviews seemed sincere in character. Words are far more engaging when written earnestly, aren't they ?
Sakshi's review of my book 'Pendulum' was conscientious and forthright. It was deeply satisfying for me to read, for 'Pendulum' is an extremely difficult book to describe and break down. Her deductions regarding my thought process were accurate, yes accurate, not even close! Like I commented on her review, she gifted me 'The kind of review my book and I deserved.' I sincerely wish writers and readers a breed of such honest reviewers.
It wouldn't be an exaggeration to call her one of the best bloggers / book reviewers on the scene.


With everyone having an opinion on the world wide web, and the mushrooming of bloggers who have decided that their divine purpose in life is to stand sentinel with their keypads and churn book reviews (that need a spell-check and sometimes, a class 5 grammar lesson)  so that Indian Literature is saved, it is highly precarious for an author, who has completed and published a novel, to solicit a review from the right reviewer.  An ideal book reviewer should have an independent mind and should have been exposed to literature of all genres that permit them to be articulate  in their analysis while dissecting the pros and cons of the book; the end result is an enhanced perspective for both the writer and the reader. 

Sakshi is a glowing example of an ideal reviewer. An intelligent reader with the ability to analyse characters and situations, issue candid criticism without giving spoilers and most importantly, give a balanced review, makes her a definite choice for any author wanting to get an intelligent and holistic review for his or her book.


  1. Sakshi,

    Though it feels good to be appreciated, we all know that you are an exceptionally good writer. Good to read so many testimonials from the authors. Way to go gal!

  2. So good to see so much appreciation from those who would know, for the excellent work you do Sakshi!

    1. From those who would know makes it extra special. Thank you, Kiran.

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