
Friday 8 May 2015

A tempo, a normal truck and Flipkart

Just 4 days back, in my house …

My husband was to leave his loving family behind for a week in hot and simmering Delhi, because work demanded that he enjoy the cool winds of Brussels instead. This was going to be the longest time ever that my 4-year-old was going to stay without his father around. With lots of promises of phone calls and pictures, and regular updates on “foreign winds”, the bags were packed and he was ready to go.

Now, we had assumed that my child’s love for chocolates will be amply met, since it was Brussels, and the prospect of looking forward to something Belgian would keep him happily expectant for seven days. Except, at the 11th hour before departure, the kid proved himself his daddy’s dad. 

I want a Tempo and a Normal Truck from Brussels.

Silence. What was to be done now? We would need a genie to make his wishes come true, because Brussels, as of now, had not warmed up to the idea of running tempos, so tempo souvenirs was expecting a bit much! That’s when that 11th hour was put to good use. How?


The kid was made busy with locking and unlocking the baggage with a key, while his daddy searched the site, placed the orders and paid the sum, all before the cab-on-call started charging extra-time. 

And guess what? The tempo and the “normal truck” arrived a day later. Of course, I’ve only given him the tempo as of now. The truck will come out soon. Helps with biding away time without dear daddy much better. 

The video above is so close to the story that unfolded in my house. How kids can be so particular about their choices, how parents can be caught off-guard, how creatively and sensitively they need to handle the situation and how sites like Flipkart act ‘wishmasters’. A lovely video which makes the real and the virtual world seamlessly combine to reflect how the world of shopping is not just working but even changing by-the-clock!

If I was to list the six wishes that Flipkart catered to in the tempo-truck situation, they would be:

1. It had not just the fanciest, most popular of toys but those which cater to unconventional tastes too. How many kids want a tempo and how many parents find it online?
2. Time was of the essence. Since the idea was that his father is sending the parcels, they had to reach our doorstep well-in-time. Speedy delivery = faster smiles!
3. But smiles also depend on price. You will not believe how little I paid for the two deliveries combined! 
4. The products were exactly as the site promised – yellow, same size and good quality. These picky kids!
5. Ahem. A love note and gift-wrapping was included to add that special touch. Verbatim, it came pasted on the box.
6. And finally, my peace of mind.  



[This is a sponsored website review.]


  1. Flipkart is surly becoming a much liked website in india.. I used them once for something did not have a good experience.

    tempo and truck of call me a idiot but what is that :) I am asking as each time i call india friends and all ask what do i want maybe I can demand this too :)

    Hello Sakshi mam.. how are you doing ..


    1. You are angrez enough to not know what a tempo is. This proved! GOOGLE IMMEDIATELY!
      No, you don't want to demand this. :P

      I am good and even better to C B here. How have you been, sir?

  2. Well, once I had to meet such a demand from my younger daughter. Luckily I found out a gift shop open at 10.30 pm.
    But online shopping has certainly made our life easy.

    1. It's made it easy, effective (because I never know if that shop open at 10:30 pm will have my son's fancy there?) and quite cost-effective too.
      Thanks for reading, Binod.

  3. They do turn out to be dads dad oftentimes. Took me back in time.
    You enjoy the chocolates while he plays with the truck.

    1. Enjoying, enjoying ... :D
      Thanks, Alka.

  4. My significant other was to abandon his caring family for seven days in hot and stewing Delhi, since work requested that he partake in the cool breezes of Brussels all things considered.Assignment Writing Service Uk This would have been the most significant length of time ever that my kid planned to remain without his dad around. With bunches of guarantees of calls and pictures, and customary reports on "unfamiliar breezes", the sacks were stuffed and he was all set.
