
Sunday 13 July 2014

Hit me baby one more time!

The Gods must be crazy, and the goblins running the rumour mill crazier. For the latest on the grape vine, which hangs heavy with sour bunches, is that if you are good looking by some standard you get more readers on your blog. That it is not about writing any more, like it was once (for after all, Shakespeare did manage plenty of hits). That it is all about features which match the ideal assets the fantasies in your reader-head enjoy. Insulting, sad and unbelievable, all at the same time. But who is surprised?

Picture this. 

A stranger who considered himself a brilliant-but-wronged writer asked me to write a post for him and him for me. An experiment that would involve us to publish each other’s works in our own names and exchange the hits number at the end of the day. He wanted to prove that content is not king, but pretty faces are queens, and that under my hat his ink will find kisses while mine will fade in comparison. I politely refused, finding the totally resistible offer slightly offensive for implying my writing unworthy of sustaining a readership and also realizing soon enough that some heads which hate to take no for an answer even fail to spot nonsense planted in their own. His parting words threw ‘you vane woman’ at me. But before I could tell him to make that ‘vain’, he had vanished into thin air. Probably hiding in another’s inbox which acted abettor in his research crime to make me publish, in my name, something written by a dude whose commas and punctuation were like drunk ants doing striptease atop an express train. With full stops flying everywhere, off course, of course! 

To think that someone's else's balderdash flowing from upturned toilet bins can make you think … 

Reminded me of a man asking his wife to pick a gynaecologist who was the least good looking of the lot, for that meant she spent more time studying medicine properly rather than in front of a mirror. Hence, a better doctor! So strange that his wife would believe him; all ten manicured nails and highlighted hair of hers included, to pop her kid out! So strange again that we have reached Mars but our minds sit cosy inside a caveman’s animal skin toga, quivering with inferiority or envy on spotting in others physical features matching brain quotient in their sharpness.
And you don’t even need to be blonde any more to take the sh** cake! I talk of only one segment, where Blogging meets Bollywood and apparently proves that if you have the right face you need have nothing more, for then a good number of readers and publishers will follow as night follows day. And good writing, well, who needs that anyway.  Isn’t the dude who sent me the message for a life-changing research sitting without a woman’s bullet lodged in his chest?  

First things first; thank you for the compliment. It is super to know one belongs to a good looking genepool. For such fortunate planetary disposition I thank God first, then my parents, Galileo, some of my favourite teachers, Mendel, my dog Timmy, Darwin and the latest ladybug stuffed toy we got and named Gaston (after Gaston in Ben and Holly, that is).

And now for some serious talk. 

Pray, what is wrong with making oneself look good? Of showing aligned teeth in profile pictures or legs-above-the-knee in party ones? Of knowing the waist-to-shoulder proportion is perfect or that the face turned leftish looks best? Does colour on my lips make me any more fake than the free-flowing compliment on yours? That kohl in my eyes is as much a part of my outdoors as is my phone, and it is me who decides if the blush is pink or not there at all. About berries, I love to eat them and wear them too, sun shine or star light I decide. Only me!

Such misplaced are the times that a pretty picture in ‘About me’ on your site can make not just men but women too to attribute to you feats the very devil on your shoulders would shudder to perform. Of course, the devil may make you pout those lips, all the way from your timelines to theirs. But then you wonder, why bother, why kiss and make up with a dinosaur or use terms like sexist or feminist for brains which think no bigger than a pea.  

And more importantly, how, just how does a blogger's face conforming to conventional ideas of beauty make a reader spend 2 minutes and 30 seconds (average, Alexa says) reading a post about a book review or a short story, leaving behind feedback which proves they were paying attention and not fantasizing sipping coffee with her mascaraed eyes? It is not as if I'm picking my peasant skirt just over my knee to hitch a ride. Even if I were, why did you stop the car? If you expected to see me in my Sunday best lingerie in a post about exactly that, then, delusional reader, it tells everything about you and zilch about me, apart from saying nothing about the others who enjoy reading me. And who, gasp and fume and beat your chest as you may, keep those ‘hits’ coming in! Quite steadily!

I don’t hang around your breed to know enough about it, but I can still advise. How about you experiment on your own the next time around, without trying to rope in a pretty face allegedly unfairly enjoying it all or posting anonymous comments on Blogger Confession pages with the courage of a rat in the deep end of a pool? You don’t even need to doll yourself up. Just make sure the grammar is in place, creativity bribed in and something, anything, unique enough about it to make your readers want to ‘hit’ you again. You need the support of imagination and language, not a wonder bra for sustained readership. You see, you need to turn that gaze in the right direction to get inspired, and that direction is not another’s body. In the mean time, don’t forget to remain polite and pleasant. Sweetness is fashionably under rated, and last I checked it helps you look good too!

PS – You saw the picture on the top, didn't you? How silly and stupid I looked. But you still read me to the end? Hm! That would be another 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

Thank you for ‘hitting’ me, baby, one more time! 

[WordPress Daily Prompts : 365 Writing Prompts. The prompt for today was - Opposite Day - If you normally write non-fiction, post a photo. If you normally post images, write fiction. If you normally write fiction, write a poem. If you normally write poetry, draw a picture - As you can see, I did post a picture, but then I had to write too. I just had to!]


  1. "You see, you need to turn that gaze in the right direction to get inspired, and that direction is not another’s body.....Sweetness is fashionably under rated, and last I checked it helps you look good too!" So glad you gave the so-called 'researcher' this piece of advise :) But are you sure it will do any good. Difficult to believe (then maybe not) that someone would actually be able to come up with and then actually want to conduct such an experiment. What to say, really?!

    1. I am not at all sure that this will make an iota of a difference to him and his kind. All I know is it is out of my system and stamped here for all to read, and especially those who think what I have ranted against above.
      "What to say, really?!" is exactly the mood behind this outburst, Beloo. And I am glad we share it! :)

  2. have been "hit" - one more time, but not the last definitely :) Also the conversation with your brilliant but-wronged writer sounds familiar. Too familiar in fact. Keep writing Sakshi, the ones who want to read, will read, regardless of how you look. If looks were what got readers, I would only find a mirror as a taker.

    1. Thanks a lot, Sid. I know you will be around! :)
      I like your last sentence, the way you say it. Even though, I totally disagree! :D

  3. Echoing Sid when he says that if only good looks got hits, then my blog would have won awards at both the Indiblogger and Blogadda ceremonies...right ???

    Just kidding :)

    1. Ha ha ha ha!
      Jai, we are in a funny mood today, aren't we? :D
      Thanks for stopping by! :)

  4. Your anger at this fool is quite justified. But to say that a pretty face does not generate urges of any kind (even the one to read) would be oversimplifying it a trifle. Why even go as far as 'Bollywood meets Blogging' for proof? Just look at Bollywood!

    1. :D Looking at it, Rickie. In that Bollywood sense, you are right. In the sense of other urges too, maybe.
      But the urge to religiously and consistently READ something (means, spending time, commenting) written by a head "held guilty" of good looks is one I do not understand.
      You do? :)
      Good to see you reading me today. Thanks for stopping by! :)

  5. The way you captured all this is really great :)

  6. Assuming that it was your pretty face that drew readers to the blog(a silent yay to that), it's your content and grasp of the subject that sustains and makes your readership grow. You have to be a fool to keep coming to a blog, just to stare longingly at someone's profile picture. Why take the effort when you can simply stalk on Facebook?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Sakshi, I agree with Purba here, pretty face or not it is the content that keeps the readers glued to the blog and makes them want to visit again. I love your posts and haven't even visited your profile page on your blog :) It is good to write about what you feel and move on...happy writing.

    1. Thanks a lot, Sulekha, for seeing what I mean. You made my day with that share on Twitter. Absolutely delighted to know you liked this enough to share it with people who read you. This is my tiny celebrity moment. Lots of love. Yes, moving on now. :)

  9. If pretty faces were Queens then Aishwarya Rai or Alia Bhatt would be best selling writers.
    What a stupid thing to say! BTW, love your look. How did you do it?

    1. They indeed would be! Well said, Alka.
      This look is thanks to :D Crazy ways in which you can make yourself look more wonderful that you actually are. Like here! :D
      Thanks for reading, Alka.

  10. I cant read something that doesn't interest me and when I read I am not bothered how does the writer look but rather what can she or he make me imagine through their writing. Trust me what I have imagined today about that crazy writer was surely not good and you with that crazy look have had me hooked to your writing from day one. He surely needs to get a life and whole lot of new perspective, keep it coming Sakshi and I will surely be there to hit it each and every time.

    1. I just wish those who really wanted to take their writing to higher levels of expertise stopped hanging around in insipid and petty company. They are losing precious time!
      Glad to have you hooked, Athena. Keep hitting, I love your presence here. (All 3!) :D

  11. "whose commas and punctuation were like drunk ants doing striptease atop an express train"

    Hahahaha ... I guess that guy was a lil stupid

    1. BTW, I did not find the pic at the top silly or stupid. It was kindda cute :)

    2. A little? He had no idea when he called it "an interesting offer". As if I am a dead butterfly ready to be pinned in a wax dish for displaying. Fool!
      Thank God for these morphing-shorphing websites, I found a cute face for myself. :D
      Thanks for reading, Puru!

  12. OK, you have prodded me enough to say this-
    The joker with the cherry does look cute. All the whitewashing and Jack Nicholsoning cannot hide contribution of all those you mentioned (Timmy the dog included)!
    So complimenting done shot and sweet. Phew, that was tough!
    Now let us dissect beauty (this part I love doing, wanted to be a doctor once, gynecologist to be precise)
    I had a classmate in college days. She would put Marilyn Monroe to shame, and make Dolly Patron look under developed. Every where she went the college corridors became clean with ten boys dragging their drooled out tongues mopping the floor. So I too joined the band wagon (hey I was a man enough then too!)
    And then the horrible thing happened. She opened her mouth! Every sinew in my body recoiled.
    But then again we also had Mrs. Joseph, the Librarian!
    Monroe the second of course got more page hit than Mrs. Knowledge. But if you ask me, I will sure give the seven minutes to the looker but rest of the day belongs to content.
    Page view or hit, as for me is wee bit misleading. I see a sexy siren so I stop there I click on the page and there she gets a page view to her balderdash.
    So I do agree with you, there is nothing wrong in being a looker, but to hold me there for that two minutes and 30 seconds, with or without the mascara, the Shakespeare in you must spew sonnets!
    And for me to respond with a comment, not just merely saying “Ohh such a beautiful post”, but to write this long boring ‘I know what I am talking about’ type, the content must make my mind work! May be this why this comment with a long monologue.
    I would follow someone, who with her witty humor make me winch every time, but I would be easy on my poor eyes too. May be I am all for Kayla the goofy Greek goddess.
    And did it ever cross your mind that the brilliant-but-wronged writer could be me! (I too at times invent spellings of my own!)

    1. I love the example you have shared, Moni. What a pity the opening of the mouth drove the other tongues-cleaning-the-floor away. :)
      There is no Shakespeare in me who can spew sonnets. But going by the number of times you have read and comments on my posts on Google plus tells me you are giving me 2.30 minutes when you can. And that, going by how you write, is a huge compliment. Keep those long comments coming in ...!
      That man cannot be you, no matter how hard you try to pass yourself as the "hero" of this post. Thank you for a wonderful comment and for giving me all this time. :)

  13. Ha! People have the nerve to say that! I mean, seriously, WHAT is wrong with people?
    It's one thing to be confident about your abilities, and completely another to force other people to believe in it or worse, shun them because they are better! uff!

    1. I rather ask WHAT is right with people? Everywhere I look, Ghata, we are ready to showcase our silliness and pettiness to either pull someone down or haul our bums up. I am surprised the world still agrees to spin for us. Such Dark Ages we don't even deserve the sunny side. :D
      Shunning, slowly but steadily. I look like a joker but not ready to follow the court jesters! ;)

  14. This is a tight slap across the face kind of reply but it really is unbelievable to see that some one could actually comment all this. It is taking stupidity to a different level . Good that u wrote all this . I only suggest to not bother and do what U always do :)

    1. You suggest right. And I am doing/going to do exactly that, Afshan. Good to see you here, honey! And thank you. :)

  15. You've done the best thing that could have probably been done in this scenario; writing it all out & getting it right out of your system, followed by an objective glancing back at the pathetic 'drunken striptease'... The breath of air that u inhale after that...Liberating!

    1. Liberated, greatly, Amogha!
      Especially after receiving feedback which strengthens my belief in the fact that a red nose looks good on me. :P
      Many thanks!

  16. What a weird world! There are many blogs, which are written by anonymous authors. People read them because of their content. And what is wrong if you fall to a category where beauty and brains go together. What right does anybody have to question your writing ability? Those who can’t- Criticize and those who can- Do.
    You gave a brilliant answer to the guy through this post Sakshi
    Tulips and Me

    1. Weird nahi, vella world, Preethi. :D The right to insult is a birth right, and they shall have it. Anyway, the right to rant was mine and I enjoyed it to bits. I like the quote you mentioned here. So so true.
      Good to see you here! :)

  17. "So strange again that we have reached Mars but our minds sit cosy inside a caveman’s animal skin toga, quivering with inferiority or envy on spotting in others physical features matching brain quotient in their sharpness."
    I could not agree more! I want to rip such people off their skins and shake them till they're awake. Such are the people who make me want to apply Histler's theories all over again, across the world!
    You've done a great job here. When I read what you write, I just don't want to look away! You're one fabulous personality and I'm glad you share your thoughts with us :)

    1. Thank you, Soumya. Very kind words, those. :)
      Please apply those theories and write about it. I would love to read so don't forget to lead me to the post! Good to see you here!

  18. this is cheating now.. I did not get to see all your pictures before i started commenting here :)
    the picture on the top , WOWO beautiful.. awesome .. right my dictionary finishes after a few words as you can see .. he he he

    but tell me how long did you spend on getting that makeover done, I must say you done a good job , the reason i ask is I need one of those we have a fancy dress coming up ..

    now that you are all set to kill me of talking nonsense let me get serious , a Good post .. (will that do).. :) I guess this person doesnot get very many hits on his blog or comments hmmmmmmmm I wonder who he is , maybe they should start writing good stuff and not to publish something that has NOT GOT the commas and punctuation look like drunk ants doing striptease atop an express train.

    and hey not to worry and why bother about such things , people come people read .. if they like they will come again and if not then they wont easy peasy ..

    Hey I think I need to change the profile pic on my blog maybe that will do the trick of getting all the hits :) what say .. the only problem is I am thinking if I put my own the ones that come will also disappear .. I need to put of one who is someone HOT :) right off to getting or searching a pic like that ha ha ha ha ha


    1. I spent 3 seconds. Check A dear friend showed me what fun this space is. You could, if you so will, get a crown for your head too, you know! :D

      Far from worried and was a tad bothered, truth be told, B. What strange channels prejudice can find to flow in. But now, ranted it out and feeling good.

      Ha ha! I will visit your blog and see for myself. A Richard Gere may keep me there, but for anything less your posts better be top notch! :D Try the site I mentioned above to make yourself a super star. No no, I picked the wrong template. You could even be Superman if you will - biceps, triceps and red chaddi included! Go go!

    2. 3 seconds is that all it took .. and here it was me thinking you did all that work .. I am disappointed now :) he he he he

      ok ok wait wait I am yet to put the richard gere pic .. See thank god I have not put my own now .. phewwwwwwwwwww that would have definitely made you press that Red cross on the right top corner of the page :)

      I believe in one thing no matter what you do how you do ,, Kuch to log kahenge.. Logon ka kaam hai kehna :)

      so who care but I am glad you took it out and are feeling good about it .. So when it the next post coming up then :) chop chop hurry hurry

  19. Did a guy actually reach out to you for a guest post and say that? He has some nerves I say! But i agree with Purba, even if looks kicked the door open, its the content that will keep making people come in :)

    1. Yes, Seeta. I did think of putting a screen shot of the conversation here. But I did not want to reveal his identity. Why start a hate-chain based on my experience alone. I was shocked, and so it poured out here. In my space. Hopefully, if he reads this, he will re-visit his ancient ideas.
      I like the metaphor you use. Good to see you walking in, regularly, Seeta.
      Thank you.

  20. Sakshi I read your posts because I love what and how you write. I don't think us bloggers really care about our looks or we wont be hitting these buttons on our comps. and staring at our screens but doing "fairer " things in life.There are many bloggers i follow because I love what they write and I hardly know how they look. And let me give you a parting compliment ,today I took a good look at your picture for the first time actually, and yes you have a nice smile but your writing is beautiful, keep writing . Good luck.

    1. I agree, Nima. Good to know you are a discerning reader not falling for curls or jaw lines but content which rivets you to the author and his mind.
      *blush* Thank you for the 'nice smile'. I try keeping it on even when I am ranting thus. :D
      Many thanks!

  21. And bloggers like @Usha Menon and Bikramjeet Maan write so well and have no display pictures by the way

  22. Sakshi, I am a new reader of your blog. I loved reading it, BECAUSE you write great. I believe people usually read and continue to read good blogs/content, irrespective of the looks of the author..And that fool, I thank him, for you wrote this post and I happened to find such a blogger over here because of him....Keep going... :-)

    1. I really do thank that fool for playing "cupid" to our blogger-reader relationship, Mridubala. I'll do my best to sustain it. :)
      Happy to have found someone who enjoys the same views as myself.

  23. I have come here before but seriously I hadn't gone through your profile...I don't usually go through profiles before reading...and seriously you are one hell of a writer :) Best Wishes for your upcoming book :D

    1. Wow! Thank you. :)
      As for the 'upcoming book' ... sigh. If ever I make up my mind in that department, your wishes I would hold dear for they would have been the first to have come floating in. Thanks for that, already! :)

  24. When I finished reading this piece, the first thought that 'hit' me was what Preethi has spoken of above. There are many many anonymous blogs out here and we read them religiously, regularly for the content - the writing, the happiness their words give us. And some of us choose to be anonymous for special reasons. So looks hardly matter, with respect to one's blog being 'hit'. In that case, I would never get any hits ! :)

    Looks don't define our language, do they ? They don't inject the sense of grammar into us, and they don't crawl out as words from our brain. All that they do is , they make our snaps worth looking at twice, or thrice. Or forever. Period. And blogs don't live on these snaps. They live on our words.

    Having said that, take it from me, Sakshi, not all beautiful people churn out beautiful posts as you do :D :D :D You do it with elan again and again, and hats off for that.

    Also, sincere appreciation for the way you've maintained the anonymity yet highlighted the issue in the best spirits. While he has got some kind of attention, it isn't something he would've aimed at getting.

    ( I'm lagging behind with respect to your other posts. Will be back soon. Got held up a little. )

    1. Both Preethi and you are right. I don't even know the real names of people behind blogs that I follow, forget faces. And my darling, you would still get 'hits'. So don't say that. :)

      "Blogs don't live on snaps" - Lovely!

      :D Thank you. Yes, why blacken the guy's face through strangers' hands and collect validation for my thoughts second hand? That wasn't the purpose of this article in the first place. But through him I could address a kind of 'prejudice' which goes unnoticed and well, I did it. That was all! I was angry though, to tell you the truth. :)
      (No issues at all. Live your life. You spread joy even if you come here not-so-frequently. One of the most discerning readers I have, and your comments say it all!)

  25. I'll get my profile done by Atul Kasbekar, wearing hot pants and skimpy top...and perhaps also give a glossy pout for my blog's "about me". Then I'll be the top blogger in the world. Sorry Sakshi, I'll best you soon in 'hits' ;)

    1. At least you are confident you will look good in those. If I were to make my profile thus, Namrota, I myself will stop visiting my blog. :P
      Beat beat. My race is with my writing, not the 'hits'. ;)
      Good to see you here, beautiful!

    2. Hahaha I'm anything but confident, I just scared my soul by visualizing myself that was a acerbic comment to that mahan hasti who challenged you. :P

      P. S. I always catch up with your posts Sakshi, remember I told you that I can't get enough of your writing. :D

  26. I happened to meet you before I started reading your blog, so it might have een your charm that brought me here. BUT it is your beautiful way with words which brings me here again and again.

    1. Two sentences and you have said it all. Thanks, Dipali.
      How wonderful rant posts can make us feel. ;)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. hahaha... Sakshi, you are mind blowing! Like "drunk ants doing striptease atop an express train" or what! A pretty valid point made in the process too! Way to go!

  28. That is undoubtedly a very catchy picture :D Will you do the exact editing on 1 of my picture for free? Pileeej (puppy face) :P
    And, of course, better writers win despite of how they look. I guess, that is how some of the anonymous bloggers flourish!
    P.S: You never leave a chance to amaze me :') :P

    1. No, you will do it on your own. Sid knows all the funky sites for it. Cool and easy! :D
      Yes, right you are. I do sit and imagine how some of them look. But even if I don't come up with a picture, I keep following them if they have something for me - entertainment, writing lessons or company in words.
      :D Thanks.

  29. Well said.

    Having said that I feel fame and celebrity status which often go hand in hand with good looks as well, do get a great head start. All the same only good writing can sustain a blog in the long term.

    1. Hm. Head start, maybe. Long term relationship, no. So yes, you are right!
      Thanks for being here. :)

  30. Frankly speaking, whenever I stop by at your blog, it is simply because to read and to learn. I love your writing style and it is pretty professional. Most of your posts are fun to read and I usually even leave comments on those I read. So for me, it is the content which attracts you towards a blog or a website. If you don't enjoy reading it, you will eventually stop visiting it no matter what.

    1. I don't know or care about what 'professional' means, Anmol. I associate that word with 'more clients than talent' to be honest. Plus, if you don't have your own style but one given by others again, you are leaving no mark in the world of writing. Blogging, maybe. But not writing. See the difference?
      I agree with you totally. I have stopped visiting blogs I did not enjoy, even if the woman behind it was Monroe herself or the man Gere. :D

  31. I don't even search for the link for your blog. I type in my browser. Keep writing :)

    1. :) So good to know that. :)
      Thank you so much!

  32. The first time I came across such a comment was when I began blogging, some 8 years back. The commentator was a man in his 50s and he unceremoniously put down a young girl who had written a happy post about reaching some milestone in her blogging viewership. You guessed it, he called her a fool to think the hits on her blog could be attributed to her posts and claimed that ALL women got viewers from the display pic they posted. I was scandalized then, not any more as I know losers abound, and exist in all age groups.
    My question is, if readers 'hit' a page due to their fascination for a face, HOW is it the responsibility of the owner of the face aka the writer in this case? People who have objections should actually round up those making such hits and voice their concerns to them.

    1. Strange are the ways in which prejudice of any kind rears its head, Shail. What you witnessed 8 years back I did now, and believe me I was scandalised too. And very very angry.
      I fail to see how it is the responsibility of the owner of the face too. That is why I say - "It is not as if I'm picking my peasant skirt just over my knee to hitch a ride. Even if I were, why did you stop the car?". High time we turned the lens inwards, rather than othering our evils and continuing foolish (and bad writers in this case) in the process.
      Good to see you here!

  33. Ha ha .... like that .. . . . studying medicine properly rather than in front of a mirror.

  34. For me this happened and I took up his challenge and held my breathe untill I proved him wrong. I dont even have a display picture but then they say that curiosity is how I catch my fishes . Apparently everyone thinks I am Aishwarya Rai?

    1. I think so too. If the FB caricature is so attractive, the original HAS to be one step above it. *seeti*
      I read you because no one else writes what you write, and how! :D

  35. Read through the end.. And not either for the Joker face or your natural look :) At the end content matters and as the old saying goes, You can fool some of the people......... No doubt, men look at women who look gorgeous (no lying about that.. and not saying stare, I do believe that men dont stare..), but there are a plenty, who one would die to be seen with... As long as she does not open her mouth.. (No offence to women, but fact... And yes.. the same applies to Men.... Look like studs... As long as they keep quiet).

    1. (I do believe that the discussion on 'men don't stare should be left alone for another day, when we can cross notes - me from my side of the fence and you in your defence. :P)
      Yes - face and mouth often don't compliment each other. I just put ear plugs and enjoy the show in that case. :D
      Thanks for reading me, Rajesh, to the end!

  36. And blogger like me don't even check profile pictures. I just read content. I don't think any one passionate about blogging and writing would care what profile picture looks like. I thought the argument of she-is-stylish-so-she-must-be-a-bad-student was outdated. Well, you never know. Loved reading your views. :)

    1. I like the name of that 'argument' you just told me about. And yes, you never know! :)

  37. How I wish the dude is reading this post..Sachi mein Mazaa ayega..lord those shameless creatures have the right to call themselves bloggers. But, then I guess every child is special. You really have the gift of sweetness oops saccharine to hit where it hurts the most, 'vane' lady...haha a tale of bruised ego who can't take no for an answer. Yeah I read the full post... Ur vane haha for taking extra pain for the image make over Shirish Kunder lurking around coz he may just making his epic sequel:)

  38. I am amazed at how someone can have such a screwed-up view of the world. Pretty faces or not, you get popular because people like spending their precious minutes on reading something that titillates the mind and not the **** . Isn't FB enough to do that kind of stuff?

    1. Amazing it is. I like how you put it. In brief and with so much b****.
      Thanks for reading, Jas.

  39. Hey! I have got something for you here.

  40. How can somebody even say such things ,,,?? what crap.. you gave a fitting reply and I love reading your posts..

    1. Good to know, :)
      Thank you for being my regular!

  41. What a reply to an indecent proposal? Incredible answer. When will the world accept a woman for her virtues than for her looks? Women are often not given their due for their talent and aptitude. But are some women cause of this......

    1. Interesting point you leave the comment on. :)

  42. I read the Post and then Read all the comments Then came to Realize I have a complete different take on the article.
    Anyways you used the flow of words to perfection and we have go what you have actually wanted to convey in an easy way.
    I would actually like to compliment on the way you write rather than the topic as I am not sure how to react to people who do these things , Amazed at how the wife believed the doctors thing.

    Anyways keep writing.

    1. I would love to know your take, R.
      Thanks for the good words! :)

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