
Friday 6 June 2014

Tales from time gone by

This article was written for and first printed in Complete Wellbeing magazine, edition June 2014.

I called it 'In Conversation with Senior Citizens'. I interviewed five young hearts from different walks of life, using similar questions to compare and understand perspectives between one and the other. They shared their favourite memories with me, and even those chapters they would rather forget. I asked them about happy tips for those over 60, values of yore they miss in today's youth, the most important role/relationship in their lives, and so on. But mostly, the streams of conversations took their own happy courses. Felt good! For as one of them said - 'In talking there is catharsis!' Indeed! 

You may enlarge the pictures to read it, or click on this link to view a PDF. (Please excuse the picture quality in the PDF, and a few editing "beauty spots" in the article. To err is human!)


  1. Saab-ji it's an education reading your script bearing your trade mark, perfectly captured emotions of our elders and they dispensed their priceless wisdom to us. Love ur narration and u made it so vivid, informal yet prose with meaning. Absolutely love ur style of writing and learning from you how to weave human tales touching the heart. RESPECT Saab-ji:) When is the pot of gold coming?!!

    1. God knows when the pot of gold comes, Vishal. :D
      Thanks so much for your kind words. :)

  2. Thanks for sharing this article here, Sakshi. These are indeed some valuable life-lessons for all of us - young and old alike. I am sure there must have been lot more good stuff in those interviews which you probably couldn't all squeeze into the page-limit for this magazine piece. Perhaps you can share some more of that at some point on your blog, it would be great to hear your 'interpretation' of what you heard and felt. Ok, now my 'researcher-self' is barging in, so I better stop :)

    1. There was a lot more I had written, indeed! I was glad that the important bits found their place in this space. Well, like it always happens when you hear views from others, there was a lot of 'interpretation' going on in my head. But you know how that may border on judgement and even bias. And I did not want to bring in those colours here, at all. Of course, the old v/s new is a debate that never sees closure and I would not mind writing something on that in a separate post.
      Thanks for reading, Beloo. You are one of my most erudite readers! Lots of love.

    2. Loved it sakshi, specially auntys killer parting statement.

    3. Thanks for reading, Athena. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. ah ha thank you for sharing .. and we must learn from them surly.. because they have lived life and know more than us for sure


    1. :) Indeed! If not to learn, to hear them out at least. :)
      Thanks for reading, Bikram.

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