
Sunday 2 March 2014

Doing it

Oh! I could do it on beach. (Is there a drink named after it? I must be mistaken). Any time of the day, or night. Although, night might be a problem. Visibility issues. You cannot do it if you cannot see. Sure thing, a lot depends on what’s on the mind, your thoughts, your imagination, blah blah … but still, some light is necessary, which can be arranged I’m sure. So yes, I could do it on a beach.  I know, your dream too, maybe? A clean and quiet beach, swaying palm trees, setting sun and … warm wind. I don’t like the cold. It disturbs it all. I like to keep it warm. It’s not the same thing otherwise. Never tried this before, but some vodka and lime alongside might make imagining even better. They say a lot of men and women do it under influence, and are masters at it. I will try! Oh but wait … crabs. Would I want to be bitten when I'm least aware of my surroundings? No, not me.

How about a mountain? A mountain sounds good. But you know, I’m not the kind who likes to get tired. I like to take it easy, not sweat it out like mules in heat. So I have to be transported to the destination comfortably. And then, just lay sit back and enjoy the view, as if created especially for me. The hills and valleys, the wild grass. The terraces the contours and the sun-kissed … oh yes, I could do it in the mountains. Lee-ward side, so no rain disturbs me doing it. I’m as wary of getting wet as a cat is. And then knowing you are actually on solid ground, rooted and down to earth yet still on the top. That feeling of being on the top! What a feeling. The wind and clear air might make me do it like never before. I know some who have tried the mountains for it. They swear by the experience. Only problem? Cold. How much can you do with frozen hands? Or goosebumps all over? What if the light goes off, they say mountains are haunted. No, I could do without scary spies in the dark, thank you. 

Forests are charming. You are sure you are alone, the quiet is undisturbed. The birds call, the sun tries to peek inside through the thick canopy, wondering, what exactly are you up to. Maybe on a log or a bed of dry leaves.  The rustle will echo and add to the sounds around, to your ideas too maybe. What better than being in the most untouched and primal place to get down to it? To get in touch with your own pith, the core that makes you what you are. Primal! Like all worldly thoughts shed, no rules no lines not even any fear. Just do it. Keep doing it, for who is there to stop you? No door bell, no phone, no bathroom … no bathroom? No, wait, stop the dream. We all need a little ceramic close at hand. Sorry forest but that just broke my dream. No more of you too!

I guess it is okay then. Why dream. My dining table does just fine. Teak and glass, combined. Solid and with a plug point near at hand. We’re staying right here, lappie, and this is where we’ll do it, you and me combined.

This is where we will write.

[Written for WordPress Daily Prompts : 365 Writing Prompts aimed at posting at least once a day, based on the prompts provided. The prompt for today was: Places - Beach, mountain, forest, or somewhere else entirely?]


  1. Succinct yet elaborate, with bits of cheeky humour flavour added to it. This post, for me at least, is Sakshi Nanda at her best. I know many have gone gaga for some of your other work(s), but this is the Sakshi that I have always admired. Great take on the prompt. And after a while I can truly say, I loved it :)

    1. You have admired the Sakshi which I was too worried to make public. If you like this, well, what can I say, Sid. :D Thank you!!

  2. hehe :-D beautifully written with a nice touch of humour :-) n i was curious throughtout d story as wat next :-Dloved reading it :-)

  3. Ha ha ha...Sakshi, it couldn't have been written better. Read it with Vix and he is completely in love with your writing. You know the reason for his unwarranted attention for this post...right??? ;-) Loved reading it. Brilliant take on the prompt. If this is what you end up typing in a hurry, I wonder what would be the outcome of time-taken ones. :-D More and more power to you girl! :-)

    1. Thank you to Vikesh for liking my writing. I swear to you Rekha, I got back home from the Meet and Sid sent me a message reminding me of the post. I lied and said - Haan haan, ready hai. And then, just sat and spilled it out. :P Did the picture in the morn and viola! Silliness taiyaar. :D

  4. Yes, yes, yes...I can do it too ;)

    1. Ha ha ha! :D And you do it much better, Janu. What better than poetry, isn't it? Thank you for reading!

  5. Well written as always with ample doses of humour.. Keep rocking

  6. OMG ! You said beach, and you said there's a drink named after that. Now you KNOW what I thought of :D

    No No no more saying anything :D This was just too good :D

    1. I KNOW what you thought of, Sreeja. That was the whole point. Placed a few other "word-traps" along the way too. This was just to see and show how alike we all think in certain circumstances. :D
      Glad you liked this. Thank you for not saying - You dirty mind!

    2. *Chuckle* *Chuckle* *Chuckle*

  7. I don't mind the cold, if I have a flask of tea and a warm quilt. As for frozen hands, how is that possible? I'd be typing away, won't I?

    But if I am in the mountains, or on the beach, would I waste time writing instead drinking it all in? I'd write after I return from my trip. Time enough to relive the moments then.


    1. Oh, I don't mind anything at all, Dagny, as long as I can write. The way I want. I like what you say about 'waste time writing instead of drinking it all in'. I wonder - will there be a difference in moment written as they happen and those relived later and written about later too? Hm.

  8. You flirted dangerously with naughtiness all through this post :P But knowing you to be you, I held a rein on all those wicked thoughts till I had reached the last line :)
    I grew up next to the beach, so yes I think I could do it there with the waves lapping against my feet... oh damn you, now I want to do just that! :)

    1. Do just what? ;) Mindless writing this, Seeta. But I was really short of time and when I'm in such a fix, naughty is the only style that comes naturally. :P
      Thanks for being here!

  9. Ha! That was a fun read. :D

  10. Hahaha..I like the way you dropped subtle hints and the mystry you created making your readers imagine something not intneded all through the post. Basically, I like the pun intended.

  11. A sleek way to transport people into a completely different world filled with mystery and passion. Your writing sure built the mood and then the ending was not a disappointment it was just different yet perfect. Amazing piece.

    1. Happy to hear the end did not disappoint. :) Thanks a lot, Athena!

  12. I liked the flow of it. Interesting descriptions and talk-aloud's.

    Best Wishes

  13. Honest to God, I jumped to the last line immediately after I read the first line just to confirm that you hadn't actually done 'it' in all these places ;)

    Jokes apart, loved the 'word traps' that you had set all through the post, and this made for a fun read although it was quite small. Enjoyed it quite a bit.

    1. Grr, why would anyone spoil the fun? I was expecting you to have guessed what the end would be, not play a spoil sport to your own self. :P But then yes, what you had to confirm was important too. :D

  14. Delightful, fun filled with a tinge of naughtiness. Sakshi Nanda at her literary the way u romanticized the whole post..noose, m not sharing this post of yes coz I feel its a personal cum published post. Kudos!

  15. check my reference read this post here pop over to these guys i loved this this article wikipedia reference
