
Wednesday 18 December 2013


My everyday life with a tablet 2 Tablets

Tablet number 1.

Do you know what you see above? A tablet, of a fossil of a plant, older than the oldest tree in your colony. Someone was kind enough to get the stone tablet framed. And then foolish enough to sell it off in a garage sale. For the price of peanuts, I got this priceless piece of a fossilized fern. 

This tablet leans against my desk, tapping its feet and staring me down day after day, even as I try my best to meet stare with stronger stare. The fossil is always at it, to remind me of Time. Are you exercising your brain and your muscles enough to be called ‘of sound mental and physical health’? Are you taking your writing in the right direction? What is the latest technology you have learnt about? What do you do to call yourself a worthy parent? When did you last cook something new? Have you even won yourself something worthwhile ever? 

Or, are you that lazy bag of bones fast becoming a fossil like me – vertebral column on chair included!

And more often than not, I look away. Shuffle my feet in my two pairs of socks, scratch behind my ear where there is no itch, close my pen and eyes and go to sleep. The only way the tablet of the fossil stops telling me – carpe diem

Tablet number 2. 

When the fossil tablet, with all the thoughts that it generates in my head, gets too much to take I pop this tablet. Also, when sleeping on the chair instead of listening to the fossil’s ‘inspiring talk’ gives me a sprained back or neck. Of course, there are multiple other kinds you can swallow – some bitter, some to make your life bigger and better. I do this one, nearly every day. It relieves the pain enough...

But am I digressing off topic and towards an irrelevant musing, is it? Oh, that tablet! No, I do not have a tablet as technology defines it, where I can go tap-tap-tap and get things done sitting on trees or under bridges. Those squarish rectangles looking like mini-television screens but with enough nuts-and-bolts inside to make your life better. No, I do not have that tablet.  

But then, even if I did, I wonder if it could tilt, lean and rest back the way I like to most hours of the day - as a mother, a wife and especially when being a good for nothing bum.

Is there such a tablet?

There is!

Better Ways to use the new Lenovo YOGA TABLET

So I heard about the latest one. Really, does not sound like me at all, what with its flexibility and speed. But surely sounds like something I can use. Exactly something that I need to make the fossil tablet stop speaking to me about seizing my days and the pain reliever tablet from entering my tummy. Also, something that may make me a more hands-on mummy.

This new wonder-on-the-block looks promising. I can hold it with one hand or use its unique kickstand to let go and enjoy a hands-free viewing experience. Why, I can even make it stand up to my commands, and my son’s. I need this. I need it everywhere I go, for reasons galore. But mostly because of what you see in the pictures below.

Don't get me wrong. Not looking for a replacement for the super human mummy that I can be sometimes. But you see, not every time can I make fun and learning paraphernalia (including my ageing back) available for my son. That's when I need something else to exercise those tech-made muscles. To twist and turn, tilt or stand and do the deed for me, and in place of me. This Yoga Tablet to the rescue in all of the above situations, and more! It simply seems a Better Way! 

And you are still asking about the Ideal Tablet?

The Ideal is always something that stands the test of time. It’s makers don’t wait for tomorrow to start creating it, but make today what our Tomorrows can start using already. The most futuristic tablet that keeps the future generations in mind is the ideal tablet for me. 

The next generation works somewhat like what you see in this picture. 

And views things from that very angle. At least in my house. 

For those who like to start their young ones young, a dream tablet will be one which is unbreakable. Say, one which stands falling out of the baby cot or slipping onto the floor from the baby chair. One which can be dragged along to the favourite corner of the house to watch the rhymes. Which is water, food and saliva resistant, and scratch resistant for sure. 

It will be safe, perhaps made of friendly rubber and with screen flexible enough to stand a little twist, or the weight of a toddler deciding to use it as a pillow while listening to his lullabies. It will be fold-able, so it fits in their bags carrying their milk bottles and diapers. (I am keeping chewable out of the list, for now!) 

And most importantly, it will be made such that it is easy to navigate on and use by the 'younglings' who like to believe they are older in the mind. With their tendency to be independent even before they learn to pronounce their names right, a Work-it-Yourself Toddler Tablet would be great! 

I am sure there is someone not smiling off my suggestions. I am even sure that someone is taking notes right now and will be working on it real soon too.  

Look what I use. 

Those letters I trust. And I trust they are listening to this mother's plea too. 

As for me, like the fossil tablet hints - it’s time to move on. Get to the next level. Get a tablet, a real one! Something that far exceeds my abilities and hence something that a person like me needs. In the meantime, my son will wait his turn for that 'Ideal Toddler Tablet'. 

Now, who is playing my Santa Claus this Christmas?

[Written for Lenovo Yoga Tablet - A Better Way in association with IndiBlogger]


  1. I hope Indiblogger does! This one's a superb write up....super mommie :)

  2. Hey..not fair...fraternising with the sponsor :) Judges hear hear...she wins every contest....not fair !! On a separate note, lovely post :P

  3. How wonderfully you connected to the topic. I am amazed, seriously. And yes we all need theses super gadgets each day to bring solace to the run around life!! :D :D The kid looks super cute like always :-)


  4. The post does meander down to earth and flows into a real ocean. Loved reading it.

    Arvind Passey

  5. haha
    This was an interesting and fun take. I shud wait to see a rubber tablet . all the best

    1. I'm waiting too for it, Afshan. Many thanks for liking this! :)

  6. Oh no, the Toddler one is a must have. The Lenovo laptop shot was perfectly timed in the post:) Only you could have come up with such a creative twist on how everyday life is with a tablet. And drawing on from your parenting experience....brilliant. No wonder you're amongst the top parenting bloggers in India *clap clap*

  7. This post is a sureshot winner, the only thing that remains to be decided is when Lenovo and Indiblogger decide to award the tablet to you. It might not reach you in time for Christmas but am hoping that by New Year the courier reaches you :D

    1. Thanks for reading, Jairam.
      And nothing is 'sureshot'. It's all a hit and try. :)

  8. Hehehe a wonderful take! Surely different and way ahead of most that will get submitted for the contest :) time to set your eyes on the door and await the tablet delivery Sakshi! :D

    1. Glad you found this different, Seeta. I am yet to read the others. On my way now. :)

  9. Interesting take Sakshi. Santa Claus is already on his way!
    I have an IPad but Lenovo Flex looks interesting. Its expensive though.

    1. Santa Claus is on his way to office, as of now. :D
      Very hurried post, but glad you found it interesting. Thank you, Alka. :)

  10. That was a superb post...a definite winner! Your dream 'ideal toddler tablet' may take time...but this one is sure yours!! :)

    1. Nothing's definite, Aditi.
      I sure hope the dream tablet is being worked upon already. Kids are born tech-savvy. It's only fair to give them a few of their own. :)
      Thank you for stopping by!

  11. Work-it-Yourself Toddler Tablet is really a good of luck for the contest :)

  12. I discovered your blog for the first time and must say its too INTERESTING. Excellent Write-up's!!

    1. Hey, thanks, Ashish.
      Hope I keep it 'interesting' in the future too. :)

  13. The first thing that caught my eye, needless to say, was the "this is how the new generation works" pic, because, that is how the new generation works at my home too :D

    Wonderful write up.... so any new Santas yet ? :)

    1. There is comfort in numbers. Good to know the next gen in your house is also viewing things like this. :D
      Sigh, no new Santas, Sreeja. Thanks a lot for reading! :)

  14. Amen to this wish of yours!
    I need two such pieces. Hope the makers are listening. :-)

  15. All the very best for the contest :)

  16. You madam have a great way of telling a tale....very interesting co-relations... that first table/t is really cool so is the baby in yoga poses.. All the best for the contest..

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Prasad. I am sure you have seen the baby yoga pose in your house too. :D

  17. They should make this one for all the super mommies. And this one is gonna win for sure... All the best! :)

  18. Sweet post, this! Especially loved N's ulta-pulta photo. I hope the good folks at Lenovo are paying heed to your suggestions. Good luck for the contest.

  19. teehee :D

    Words like youngling' and suggestions that a tablet should be 'chewable'- that's so you :) :P

    1. Haha. I do hope you mean it in a good way, Ritesh. It is true that I am only 6 years old :P

  20. haha! I see the plant wala tablet adorn your life reminding of time..Sakshi! A big Wow! and the mom turning into a tablet and hehe..m sure the contests that you win every time will soon offer you a tablet..

  21. Awesome post, Sakshi. Congrats on winning the tablet...many more to come.

  22. Straight from the heart of the supermum!! Congratulations once more!!

    1. Thanks, Arpita. Super kya yaar, mum hee ho loon theek say bahut hai. :P

  23. Congratulations for winning the contest Sakshi! You deserve it!
